Novation Academy: Cambodia’s First Aviation Academy
Asia Cambodia

Novation Academy: Cambodia’s First Aviation Academy

The Western Connect Magazine - Novation Academy
The growth of the aviation industry in Cambodia is a significant milestone for the country and the region. With the opening of Novation Academy, Cambodia’s first aviation academy, the government is stepping forward towards becoming a regional hub for new pilots. The Western Connect Magazine sat down with Novation Academy to discuss their recent inspection by the State Secretariat of Civil Aviation (SSCA) and the Cambodian government’s support for their ambitious project.

Can you tell us about the recent inspection by the SSCA?
The inspection conducted by the SSCA was a thorough examination of Novation Academy’s compliance with all regulatory requirements. This inspection was an essential step in the growth of the aviation industry in Cambodia, and we are proud to say that we have passed the examination with flying colours.

How has the SSCA and Cambodian government support helped Novation Academy?
We are incredibly grateful for the support from the SSCA and the Cambodian government. This support has enabled us to establish the academy and achieve our goal of becoming a regional hub for new pilots.

What does the future hold for Novation Academy?
Our long-term plan is to become a national training centre and a regional hub for new pilots. We are committed to providing the best training possible to the next generation of Cambodian pilots. We can achieve this goal with the support of the SSCA and the Cambodian government.

In conclusion, Novation Academy’s recent inspection by the SSCA is a significant milestone in Cambodia’s aviation industry’s growth. The academy’s long-term plan of becoming a regional hub for new pilots has received strong support from the SSCA and the Cambodian government, making this ambitious project a reality. The Western Connect Magazine congratulates Novation Academy on its successful inspection and looks forward to its continued growth and success in the aviation industry.

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